Business Membership
If you are a business owner with customers who reside in the Highlands-Douglass Neighborhood, Business Membership in HDNA is an excellent way to …
- Grow and sustain your customer base among Highlands-Douglass residents.
- Gain exposure for your business through our biannual Newsletter, The Neighbor.
- Capitalize on continuous on-going exposure for your business, through complimentary presence on the HDNA website.
- Visibly acknowledge your support of HDNA’s activities and programs by prominent display of your business membership decal.
- Promote your business through complimentary exposure at HDNA events and activities (Big Rock Jazz and Blues Fest, Ice Cream Social, etc.).
We offer Permanent Partner Memberships as well as 1-year, 2-year and 3-year options. For details on joining HDNA as a Business Member, email us at: [email protected]